Current Direction and Current Ability to Adapt

Current direction (X-Axis) x Current ability to adapt (Y-Axis)
This chart combines responses to two questions to create an interactive scatter plot. This chart presents the average results based on all respondents. You can hover over the chart to reveal more information on each circle. The chart is structured as follows:

  • X-axis is the response to the question “How satisfied or concerned are you about the overall current direction of Keene? (Scale: -5 – Very concerned; 0 = Neutral; +5 = Very satisfied)
  • How satisfied or concerned are you about the ability of Keene to adapt to changes? (Scale: -5 – Very concerned; 0 = Neutral; +5 = Very satisfied)

Key things to note:

  • The size of the circle denotes the popularity of the response. It is clear from this graph that a significant majority of survey respondents are in the middle when it comes to satisfaction with Keene’s current direction and is ability to adapt. This should be explored further in the comprehensive master planning process.
  • The responses can be filtered according to respondent age group, ethnicity, relationship and affiliation to Keene, zip code, and whether the respondent was involved in Keene’s 2010 Comprehensive Master Plan project.