This update will be done in two phases, beginning with a renewal of Keene’s Community Vision. Public involvement and input will be a critical component of this phase, with a focus on neighborhood engagement throughout the City and strategic visioning around the future of Keene’s downtown and growth areas/nodes. In the second phase, each of the 2010 CMP’s multiple topic-oriented chapters will be examined and updated to reflect current community priorities. Throughout the process, citizens and community partners will be asked to join with the City to identify priorities and establish a list of goals and action steps for implementation. This input will inform the development of an actionable implementation section that will outline and prioritize strategies for achieving the Plan’s updated goals and objectives.
A successful strategic planning process is based on three primary principles: It is Future Oriented, Data Driven and People Focused.
The ‘future orientation’ is particularly important to take account of rapidly emerging social and technological trends. The ‘data driven’ ensures the plan is built on solid research, public input and information, and is measurable. The ‘people focused’ is important to build support for the vision and goals for the City, and to harness the best possible input into action plan formulation.
For more information about the Keene Comprehensive Master Plan Project, please contact:
Mari Brunner, Senior Planner
City of Keene
3 Washington Street
Keene, NH 03431
David Beurle
Chief Executive Officer
Future iQ