In February 2024, a Steering Committee consisting of 17 community representatives was created to guide the Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP) project. This dedicated group of stakeholders will meet monthly throughout the project and serve as ambassadors of the project to the community.
Regular Members
Juliana Bergeron, Northwestern Mutual
Harold Farrington, Keene Planning Board, CMP Steering Committee Chair
Alex Henkel, Electronic Imaging Materials, CMP Steering Committee Vice-Chair
Emily Lavigne-Bernier, Prime Roast
Josh Meehan, Keene Housing
Cody Morrison, Monadnock Economic Development Corp.
Leatrice Oram, Keene State College
Joe Perras, Cheshire Medical Center
Joe Walier, Walier Chevrolet
Elizabeth Wood, 21 Bar and Grill
Alternate Members
Phil Jones, Keene City Council
Jay Kahn, Keene Mayor
Ken Kost, Keene Planning Board
For more information about the Keene Comprehensive Master Plan Project, please contact:
Mari Brunner, Senior Planner
City of Keene
3 Washington Street
Keene, NH 03431
Jesse Rounds, Community Development Director
City of Keene
3 Washington Street
Keene, NH 03431
David Beurle
Chief Executive Officer
Future iQ